Student Stories

Hear student stories from around the world.

Our Community, from London to Middle East, from brand new online coaches to seasoned online coaches.

BOCO Academy™ empowers you to learn, understand and implement business strategies to solve complex business challenges.

Click 'Download Brochure' to learn how you can be the next student success story...

Student Stories

Hear student stories from around the world.

Our Community, from London to Middle East, from brand new qualified nutrition or health coach to experienced business leaders.

BOHC Academy empowers you to learn, understand and implement business strategies to solve complex business challenges.

Click 'Download Brochure' to learn how you can be the next student success story...

Hear From Our BOCO Students

Layla Gordon

Nutritional Therapist

Specialises in Gut Health For Men

Dorset, UK

Daniel Domaradzki

Health Coach

Specialises in Strength &

Mental Conditioning

Bristol, UK

GiGi Hope

Nutrition Coach

Specialises in Intermitted

Fasting For Women


Ruby Saharan

Nutrition Coach

Specialises in Gut Health For Women

Oman, Middle East,

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